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Vote Kennedy for Montana SD3 !


Your Pro-Choice, Education, Worker's Rights, Reduce Taxes

Protect Veterans, Seniors and Diversity Candidate


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Mountain Cliff Hiker


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Fighting for YOUR Montana

Montana Senate District 3 (SD3)

Angela Kennedy


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Get the latest news and updates from Montana SD3 for Angela Kennedy 2024. From press coverage to industry updates, we keep you informed on everything related to our campaign.

Montana SD3 for Angela Kennedy 2024 is making waves on the campaign trail.


I am a Montana mom who cares about valuing our diverse people, our children's schools, maintaining Montana's quality of life, reproductive rights, and keeping taxes on individuals low.


You have a choice in the race for SD3 don't settle for a glimmer less than someone who will put your needs first.


Our message of hope, progress, and unity is reaching out to the people across the state and in SD3.

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Senate District 3 (SD3) Campaign Trail Updates

As we continue our journey towards a brighter future for Montana, we are excited to share our progress with you.


Check out our latest news article to learn more about our recent activities and events on the campaign trail.


Interview Highlights

Angela Kennedy, MBA, PMP -is a dynamic and visionary leader who is dedicated to creating a better future for Montana.


Check out this link:


to learn more about her professional background and education.


 I am committed to protecting public school education, reproductive choice, the environment and quality healthcare for all Montanans. I believe in keeping property taxes low and promoting non-taxation of Social Security benefits. With your support, I will work tirelessly to ensure that Montana remains a great place to live, work, play and raise your families.


Let your voice be heard and VOTE for a better Montana and vote for me in November,  2024.

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